Various News of this week

13. December 2003



Gerd Ballas burned for 130 euro DVD's. It settled and sent all inquiries away from the list.
OPEL took over the postage, therefore for the receivers no costs arose.

That find we a completely mad action of Gerd and we to THANKING HEARTS!!!!

Today is the last school day for the children. On next Saturday we have the Weihnachtsfeier.

Santa Claus waits already impatiently for the Romhelp celebration in the school: -)

A common picture at the last school day of the yearly.
Before the Tuere the teacher and George.

Radu decorated the Christmas tree for coming Saturday already affectionately.

And George practices already times for the role of Santa Claus. The turnschuhe
it must probably omit on Saturday:-))))))

Gudrun Pauksch sent 26 packages to us by bus. That is now already third time that Gudrun with their
Acquaintance and friends such Weihnachtsaktion for our school Indian make.

We look forward already to Saturday.

Feliz Feuz from Switzerland announced itself and wants to visit us on Friday and Saturday in Bucharest.

Manfred welfare man and its wife have themselves to buy decided all a weihnachtsgeschenk to their godfather children.
The two have 9 godfather children with Romhelp. Each child may buy for 27 euro something.

On coming Friday 20 December we will go shopping with all families and these children
the joyful message to communicate know. Each child will be allowed to then select its own gift.

We find a very beautiful action and thank the family welfare man.