New classroom

December 2002


With the renovation of the front we could create our children a warm and bright classroom.

We used the opportunity and also equal the classroom from the inside reconditioned .

All work was received from family fathers made which of our donation assistance.

Like that the families were Tudorache and Tomescu as well as our social worker George,
with recondition most industriously the classroom.

We could hold thus the costs on an absolute minimum and those
Families had thus been able to do large joy to something for the donation and for the children.

George our social worker with the laborious remove the wall tiles

Julian Tudorache could itself make been pleased something for the donation.

Much sand had ago for the new walls

Also the old tiles want to become entsorgt.

Julian Tudorache and Tomescu are from the subject.
In only two weeks they reconditioned the whole classroom together with George.
The school had to fail thus only for completely short time.

The trouble was worthwhile itself. A beautiful classroom developed.

With much light for the industrious pupils.

And ideally for our child celebrations.

We thanking all aids and also our sponsors, that made this renovation possible only.