Weihnachtsfeier 2002

21. December 2002


On 21 December 2002 we had a beautiful Weihnachtsfeier for the children.

Radu and George had to organize this year the celebration completely alone. Mihai is still abroad.

See the celebration became as beautiful. The two have themselves large trouble given around the children
to make lucky at this celebration. Looks into the faces of the children and makes happy you with the children.

We received also this year again many beautiful gifts from the foreign country.
Gudrun Pauksch and friends as well as Romhelp Germany have us the gifts
with a touring bus to Romania to give leave. That could be done fast and uncomplicatedly.

Renate Krauspenhaar and Conny Uhlig of Romhelp Germany
for each child a private Weihnachtsbrief wrote.

Zuesi Widmer from Switzerland sent again many dresses and toys.

Radu and George in Romania bought the remainder for the celebration.

EACH child has beside that weihnachtsgeschenken
from the foreign country still another from Romhelp receive package.

Like that the celebration for the children was and and a full success.

The gifts could be unpacked and examined.
For many children this was the only gifts.

Like that also the joy was completely particularly large.

Some were overtaxed nearly something with the many Weihnachtssachen.

All children participated also with special diligence in our mark competition.

The children with the gifts before the again reconditioned school of the Romhelp donation.

We made a thanking possible everything our sponsors which this celebration only.