Project: Foundation school is to be made suitable for winter conditions

15. November 2002


Our foundation school gives it now for two years.
We began with gartentischen, plastic chairs and the simplest aids.
Owing to our sponsors - we knew gradual school tables, school chairs and even computers ours
Call donation-own.

The next step would be to be made suitable for winter conditions now the school.

Such pictures like this of 24.11.2001 are to belong already soon to the past.
Because of cold weather the children in their jackets and Wollkappen must sit in the school.

Despite the heaters it is cold in the school.

The external facade made of metal isloliert and the warmth does not penetrate immediately outward.

Our class room was in former times a butcher's shop. The whole wall is only one metal wall.

There are no windows except the skylights.
The iron wall lets the whole warmth disappear.
Like that it is always very cold in the winter despite two heating elements in our school.

The metal wall would have to be removed and a concrete wall with windows and one
Tuere must be inserted. The costs amount for the Tuere and those
on 750 euro and the simple concrete front on approx. 250 euro.

Our children in the foundation school already drew for the Weihnachtskarten.
Each picture was distinguished with a price.
The designs we will send to Christmas all to our friends of Romhelp.